
林树森,国家一级美术师,任中央工艺美院在线学院中国书画教授,国际美术家联合会书法评审委员会评委,西安中国画研究院院务委员、且于 2022
Lin Shusen,He is a national first-class artist, a professor of the Chinese
calligraphy and painting in the Online School of the Central Academy of Arts and
Crafts, a judge of the Calligraphy Evaluation Committee of the International
Artists Federation, a member of the Academy of Chinese Painting Academy in Xi
/'an, and won the People/'s Republic of China Art (calligraphy) in the summer of
2022. In the same year, Meng Qiu was selected by the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism and awarded the national title of “People/'s Artist.

未经允许不得转载:资讯头条 » “艺术连接世界” 2023奥艺大会艺术作品动态展-著名艺术家林树森